About Sandsmama

Photograph by Ashlee Wells Jackson, for the 4th Trimester Bodies Project

Grey-haired left-handed passionate Canadian 32-year-old non-grownup who thinks everything funny is hilarious and everything sad is heartbreaking and who wishes she could spend the rest of her life underwater.

No, but really. Yes to all that, but with this blog I've set out to do my part in tearing down the walls that we as mothers have built up around ourselves: over our emotions, our experiences, our bodies, all in the name of looking put-together in front of others. None of us have perfect records, and none of us haven't cried into our pillows and daydreamed about posting our kids on Craigslist. Motherhood is hard, and it's beautiful, and that rewarding feeling we get is in no small part due to the blood, sweat and tears we put into raising up these little people of ours. And I just want to talk about it.

My name is Sandy and I live in the Twin Cities with my cool dude husband and my cute toot daughter.